Nuisance Complaint Investigations

Types of Complaints Environmental Health Investigates
- Noise, caused by any of the following:
- HVAC/ Heat Pumps
- Early morning dumpster collection
- Amplifying devices such as microphone and speakers
- Odor
- Unlicensed tattoo facilities
- Unsanitary or unsafe conditions at a swimming pool/spa
- Unsanitary conditions in a school cafeteria
- Exterior standing water (mosquitoes)
- Indoor smoking in public buildings
All complaints regarding the above nuisances can be reported by calling 311 or by accessing the Baltimore CitiTrack Service Request System online.
If you are experiencing any of the below, please refer to appropriate Agency as indicated:
- Mold
- If you rent and suspect you have mold you may place a complaint through 311 to the Department of Housing to investigate the moisture intrusion (cause of the possible mold) such as a leaking roof or pipe.
- If you own your home/dwelling and suspect you have mold please refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations on how to Get Rid of Mold.
- CDC resources for mold prevention and remediation:
- Non-amplified noise caused by loitering, people yelling/screaming, and idle cars can be reported to the Baltimore City Police Department.
- Noise caused by speakers from a motor vehicle or personal radio/stereo.
- Drug transactions
- If this is an emergency please call 911 otherwise, please report this to the Baltimore City Police Department by calling the 311
- If this is an emergency please call 911 otherwise, please report this to the Baltimore City Police Department by calling the 311
- Illegal parking
- You may report this by calling 311 or accessing Baltimore CitiTrack Service Request System online.
- You may report this by calling 311 or accessing Baltimore CitiTrack Service Request System online.
- Rodent/insect infestations in residential property
- If you rent and are experiencing rodent or insect infestation you may report this by calling 311 or by accessing Baltimore CitiTrack Service Request System online for the Department of Housing to investigate.
- If you rent and are experiencing rodent or insect infestation you may report this by calling 311 or by accessing Baltimore CitiTrack Service Request System online for the Department of Housing to investigate.
- Bed Bugs
- According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), bed bugs do not transmit diseases. For this reason, they are not considered to be a health hazard and therefore not investigated by the Health Department.
- If you suspect you have bed bugs you may report this by calling 311 or by accessing Baltimore CitiTrack Service Request System online for the Department of Housing to investigate.
- Resources:
- According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), bed bugs do not transmit diseases. For this reason, they are not considered to be a health hazard and therefore not investigated by the Health Department.
- Housing structure or maintenance issues
- You may report this by calling 311 or by accessing the Baltimore CitiTrack Service Request System online for the Department of Housing to investigate.
- Asbestos
- Workplace conditions
- Unsanitary or unsafe conditions in child care centers
- Unsanitary conditions at a barbershop
- Unsanitary conditions at a salon
- Unsanitary or unsafe conditions at a healthcare facility
Contact Us:
Phone: 410-396-4428
Fax: 410-396-5986
Mail: Environmental Health, 1001 E. Fayette Street, Baltimore, MD 21202
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Closed on Annual Holidays: