Dental Clinic / Oral Health Services

Druid Dental Clinic* (*preferred clinic for wheelchair accessibility) 1515 North Avenue (410) 396-0840
Metro Subway: Penn-North Station
MTA bus: No. 13 (Pennsylvania & North Ave.)Eastern Dental Clinic - 1200 E. Fayette St. (443) 984-3548
Metro Subway: Shot Tower
MTA buses: City Link Orange, Blue, and PurpleHours
Monday: 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Tuesday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Thursday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday: 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Provides basic and urgent dental care such as exams, x-rays, teeth cleanings, fillings, and extractions to eligible children and adults. ages 12 months and older. Specialty services requiring an Oral Surgeon are not available. Dental care is also available for pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid. Baltimore City residency required.
Until further notice, dental visits are by scheduled appointment only. Please call clinics for days and times.
There is a fee for all services provided. Program accepts those with no dental insurance and those enrolled in Medicaid
Most Medicaid/ Medical Assistance plans are accepted, including Maryland Healthy Smiles. A sample of accepted plans include: Amerigroup, Priority Partners, Jai, and Maryland Physicians Care. All plans are subject to changes, limitations, and possibly co-pays.
What programs does Oral Health Services offer?
GRAMS Initiative (Giving Retired Adults Mighty Smiles)
Affordable, basic dental care for uninsured, low-income Baltimore City residents ages 60 years and older
Call main number 410-396-4501 for more info
EPDST Program (Early Protection Does Spectacular Things)
Dr. Patricia Bell-McDuffie
Baltimore City Health Department
1001 E. Fayette St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410.396.4501 Fax: 410.625.0688
Related Links
Excellent links to state & local oral health data, educational materials, and other oral health-related information.
Maryland State Office of Oral Health
Maryland Dental Action Coalition (MDAC)
The mission of the Maryland Dental Action Coalition is to develop and maintain a statewide partnership of individuals committed to improved health among all Marylanders through increased oral health prevention, education, advocacy, and access to dental care.