Youth Health and Wellness (YHW) Strategy

Baltimore's youth are amazing and resilient and this strategy aims to remove anything that may stand in their way. Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies, and Healthy Connections - all three are important to health and each one affects the other. Only by addressing all three of these areas can we make a difference in the health and well-being of children and youth.
People and agencies are already doing a lot for Baltimore. Our Youth Health and Wellness (YHW) Strategy aims to coordinate all these efforts. This research-based, youth-informed plan describes the health disparities in this City that are driven by economic, social, and racial inequities, and what we can do at the policy, service, and community levels to reduce those disparities.
Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies, Healthy Communities, and Healthy Systems - all four are important to health and each one affects the other. Only by addressing all four of these areas can we make a difference in the health and wellbeing of children and youth.
The strategy's success will be measured through these high impact outcomes:
Reduced teen births
Reduced child fatalities
Reduced missed school days
Baltimore's Youth Health and Wellness Strategy aim to achieve these outcomes by focusing on 8 main objectives across the priority areas. For information on these objectives, select a priority area from the menu to read more.
The strategy is always evolving, so please help us make it better by sharing your thoughts and ideas in the comments.
By working together our collective impact can be stronger.