Recent News

Note From The Commissioner: Let's Continue to Win for Baltimore!

I want to express my gratitude and pride in the entire Health Department for their hard work daily supporting the health needs of Baltimoreans.

Dr. Dzirasa

Baltimore City Health Department Announces Beginning of 2019 Code Red Extreme Heat Season

BALTIMORE, MD (May 15, 2019) Today, the Baltimore City Health Department is announcing the start of Baltimore City’s Code Red Extreme Heat season. Code Red Extreme Heat is a multi-agency effort to address the impact of extreme heat on residents of Baltimore City.

Note From The Commissioner: Celebrating a Resilient Community

Last weekend marked four years since the death of Freddie Gray.  The uprising that immediately followed his death brought to light so many of the longstanding challenges facing our City and also served as a call to action. 

Healthy Youth Day

Note from the Commissioner: Community Partnerships Can Make a Difference

This week, I had the honor of addressing the 14th Sisters Together and Reaching, Inc.’s (STAR) Why Women Cry Conference.

Why women cry

Note from the Acting Commissioner: Get Vaccinated

Late last week, there was news of a confirmed

Dr. Dzirasa

Measles Case Confirmed; Possible Exposures in Baltimore Area

Baltimore, MD – On April 5, the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) confirmed a measles case in a Maryland resident.


Note from the Acting Commissioner: Let's Get Moving!

As the weather warms and the days become longer, it is a perfect time to begin to plan outdoor activities and take advantage of the many beautiful attractions, spring festivals, recreation centers, and walking and biking trails in our City.

Dr. Dzirasa

Note from the Acting Commissioner: Moving Towards a More Equitable Health Landscape

In my very brief time at the Health Department, I have had the pleasure to meet and hear from Baltimore residents, elected officials, healthcare providers and other public health stakeholders all across the City regarding what Baltimore needs to move towards a more equitable health landscape. 

Dr. Dzirasa

Note from the Acting Commissioner: Three Areas Of Continued Focus

As I complete week two in my new role, I wanted to give thanks for the outpouring of support from everyone at the Health Department, throughout the City, and throughout

Dr. Dzirasa

Note from the Acting Commissioner: My First Week

It has been a whirlwind week of attending my first State of the City Address, the swearing in ceremony for Commissioner Harris, and meeting some of the talented team at the Baltimore City Health Department.

Dr. Dzirasa
