Recent News

"Lowering The Infant Mortality Rate In Baltimore" (WYPR - Maryland Morning), October 15, 2014

More than six in every thousand babies in Maryland die before their first birthday. In Baltimore, the infant mortality rate is even higher – 10.3 deaths in the first year for every thousand live births – although the rate has been heading down in recent years. 


"Mayor appoints task force to study heroin, substance abuse" (Baltimore Sun) October 15, 2014)

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake plans to announce a new task force Wednesday that will spend the next nine months studying heroin and substance abuse in Baltimore and developing ideas for the city to better coordinate treatment options.

WBAL-TV Covers Safe Streets Baltimore Award

WBAL-TV highlights Safe Streets Baltimore in the Park Heights community: "Safe Streets Baltimore Awarded Ravens Honor Row"

"Getting it right: Baltimore’s safe sleep efforts pay off" (Columbus Post Dispatch) September 16, 2014

Antoine Dow is a 40-year-old Baltimore barber who never passes on an opportunity to talk about a lifesaving issue - safe Sleep for babies. Dearea Matthews is a 29-year-old Baltimore mother who experienced a tragic loss. Antoine, Dearea and others are interviewed for this excellent story about Baltimore's efforts to protect babies.

National HIV / AIDS Aging Awareness Day - Free Testing

National HIV / AIDS Aging Awareness Day is September 18th.  Aging is a part of life, HIV doesn’t have to be!  There is free HIV testing available at Baltimore City Senior Centers all month.

September is National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month, and this year's theme is "Be Disaster Aware.  Take Action To Prepare." Check out the many resources and tips provided by BCHD's Office of Public Health Preparedness & Response here. 

"Teaching about STDs through comic books" (Baltimore Sun) August 17, 2014

When eight high school students are commissioned to make a graphic novel about sexual health, don't be surprised if the result includes pet dragons, a troll with genital warts and a guy named Funk Master Flexin'. These comedic touches appear in a booklet created during a six-week summer program for students at the Baltimore City Health Department that aims to raise awareness about sexual health.


"Baltimore doctors push for routine HIV testing" (In Focus, WMAR-ABC2) August 14, 2014

BALTIMORE - It's a disease that claimed millions of lives all over the world and here at home in Baltimore we've seen our fair share of cases, ranking our city as one of the top in the country for HIV cases. With about 13,000 people diagnosed with the virus in the city Health Department officials are getting creative with a program that could turn those numbers around. It's called Protect Baltimore.

"School Year About To Start. Have Your Kids Gotten Their Vaccines?" (WJZ-TV) August 13, 2014

Dr. Judy DeBose, Medical Director of School Health for the Baltimore City Health Department, spoke with WJZ-TV about the importance of all students having their Back to School immunizations.

Vaccination Requirements For The New School Year

Attention parents / caregivers of school-aged children in Baltimore City.  Please ensure students are up-to-date with immunizations before city schools open their doors to students on August 25. There are new school immunization requirements for students entering kindergarten and 7th grade this fall.
