Diabetes Workgroup

The Diabetes Workgroup is charged with developing a citywide diabetes strategy for Baltimore City residents. This strategy will focus on pre-diabetes screening, prevention, early intervention, and self-management techniques such as promoting healthy eating habits, physical activity, and smoking cessation. This work also involves understanding the epidemiology of diabetes, examining gaps in service delivery, identifying priorities and recommendations for action, and engaging community stakeholders to support implementation of those recommendations.

In collaboration with a diverse group of diabetes stakeholders, the Baltimore City LHIC hopes to establish and support new referral pathways for the screening, prevention, early intervention, and self-management education of Baltimore City residents at risk or diagnosed with pre-diabetes/diabetes. 

Baltimore Metropolitan Diabetes Regional Partnership

Healthier Together

Two world-class health systems to help Marylanders prevent and manage diabetes


University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) and Johns Hopkins Medicine (JHM) have collaborated to create the Baltimore Metropolitan Diabetes Regional Partnership — publicly known as Healthier2gether.

Our collaborative works with community organizations to increase the number of available city-based programs to prevent or delay Type 2 diabetes, and to increase access to community-based diabetes management programs to help people in Baltimore City and throughout Maryland who live with diabetes improve their health outcomes.

This statewide population health initiative is made possible through a grant awarded by the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission and is to be implemented over five years. The unified goal of Healthier2gether is to expand the CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention Program and the Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Program and American Diabetes Association–recognized Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support programs, as well as evidence-based Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services–reimbursed diabetes prevention and management services.

Where there is the greatest need for diabetes programs

The JHM and UMMC collaborative makes diabetes programs available where more people need help to prevent or manage diabetes, focusing on:

  • Racial and ethnic groups more likely to have diabetes
  • Communities with greater prevalence for prediabetes
  • Areas with high mortality rates and emergency room visits due to diabetes 

JHM and UMMC diabetes programs are convenient, respected, and accredited

There are two diabetes programs:

The Diabetes Prevention Program is for those at risk for developing diabetes

The Diabetes Prevention Program uses the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-approved National Diabetes Prevention Program activities. This program has been tailored specifically for those at risk for developing diabetes and has been proven to help:

  • Lower blood glucose levels
  • Lose at least 5% of body weight
  • Increase physical activity at least 150 minutes per week

Diabetes Self-Management Training is for those living with diabetes

Diabetes Self-Management Training uses the American Diabetes Association approved diabetes self-management training activities. This program is for those living with Type 1, Type 2, or gestational diabetes and has been proven to help:

  • Lower A1C by 0.002%
  • Better manage medications
  • Increase healthy lifestyle behaviors to reduce serious diabetes-related complications

Enroll now

Programs are available at various locations from both health systems.

Visit Healthier2gether.org to enroll online or call:

The Diabetes Prevention Program at Johns Hopkins Medicine, 410-614-2701 or University of Maryland Medical Center, 240-749-0109.

Diabetes Self-Management Training at Johns Hopkins Medicine, 443-927-2749 or University of Maryland Medical Center, 410-215-2782.