Recent News

Experts Call on CDC to Break Silence on Gun Violence (CNN)

As an African-American man, Dr. Georges Benjamin says he feels like "an endangered species," due to gun violence claiming the lives of men his color disproportionately to their numbers.

The Congress of Public Health (The Hill)

This week, Congress has an unprecedented opportunity to use public health to transform the nation’s future.

Baltimore City Eastern Health Clinic Experiences Break-In

BALTIMORE, MD (July 11, 2016)– Over the weekend, there was a break-in at Baltimore City Health Department's Eastern Health Clinic at 620 N Caroline St. At this time, there is no indication that patient files have been accessed or protected health information has been compromised; additionally, all medications are accounted for. Officials have reported property damage and stolen items, such as televisions used in the patient waiting room and for training purposes, laptops, and bus tokens for low-income residents.

B’More Health Talks Gathers Experts to Discuss Zika

Today, B’More Health Talks aired another podcast on the topic of the Zika virus and its potential impact on Baltimore City. Dr. Wen joined experts in the fields of, environmental health, population health, pediatrics, obstetrics and ecosystem studies to address recent developments of the Zika virus and how experts are viewing its progression. Guests discussed the facts about Zika and suggested ways everyone can help to prevent its spread.

Bmore Health Talks Podcast on Zika

Federal Opioid Legislation Debated in Congress

Across the country, opioid-related deaths have skyrocketed, bringing this public health issue to the forefront of the nation’s conscience. This week, members of Congress convened to discuss the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 (CARA), a package of policies that aim to combat the national opioid epidemic.  Because the House and the Senate had previously passed different versions of legislation, the bill was sent to a conference committee comprised of both House and Senate members to resolve those differences in order to advance the proposed policy.

Baltimore City Health Commissioner Encourages Citizens to Take Precautions As Season’s First Hot Weather Arrives

BALTIMORE, MD (July 6, 2016)– With temperatures forecast in the mid-90s with a heat index expected to reach nearly 100 degrees and unhealthy air quality anticipated, Baltimore City health officials are encouraging residents to take precautions as the first hot weather of the season arrives today.

Health Commisioner Wen Gives Tips on Zika (Baltimore Sun)

If you get a mosquito bite there's probably no need to run to the doctor and get tested for Zika.
