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Six reasons to fight the ACA replacement plan (Baltimore Sun)

Baltimore health commissioner: ACA replacement plan is 'fiscally irresponsible and a national security risk.'

 For months, I have received questions from concerned residents about how repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would impact their health. My patients were worried about whether they could still get medications to treat their heart disease and diabetes, whether they would they lose coverage for mental health and addiction services, and whether they would continue to get basic preventive services such as mammogram, pap smears and blood pressure screenings.

 This week, House Republicans issued their proposed replacement. There are six particularly concerning provisions with drastic consequences to Baltimore's health:

 First, the bill punishes those with lower wages by eliminating subsidies to help pay for insurance coverage based on a person's income. As a physician who has practiced medicine before and after the ACA, I have seen patients forced to make the impossible choice between basic needs, including food and housing, and critical medications. I have seen patients forgo paying for insurance coverage because it is too expensive. I have seen the consequences when people are forced to pay for this "choice" with their lives.

Read the entire story.

Health commissioner Wen talks about her pregnancy (Baltimore Sun)

Baltimore Health Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen thought she was doing a good job keeping her secret.

But when she recently revealed to her staff that she was expecting a baby in August, one colleague responded: "I figured that out when I saw you turn three different colors in 20 minutes."

Yes, it's true. Even the city's top health official suffers from morning sickness and fatigue.

Wen and her husband, who manages an information technology team at Legg Mason, are expecting their first child, a boy, this summer. 

The energetic commissioner known for her nonstop work ethic said she'll take off at least eight weeks to spend time with her son after he is born. 

As a Republican-led Congress moves to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which aimed to make health insurance available for all American citizens, Wen said she is reminded how fortunate she is to have good benefits.

 Read the entire story.

Testimony in favor of SB 868 Prescribing and Dispensing Naloxone to Non-certificate Holders

Following is testimony given by Mark O’Brien, Director of Opioid Overdose Prevention and Treatment. The statement was presented to the Finance Committee on behalf of Dr. Wen on March 16, 2017.

Baltimore City Health Services Affected by Winter Storm Stella

Baltimore, MD (March 14, 2017) – The following Baltimore City Health Department Services have been impacted by Winter Storm Stella:

Health Commissioner Dr. Wen Declares Code Blue Alert in Baltimore Overnight Tonight Through Thursday Morning

BALTIMORE, MD (March 14, 2017) – With temperatures predicted to fall into the single digits with wind chill, Baltimore City Health Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen today issued a Code Blue declaration for Baltimore City beginning tonight, Tuesday, March 14th through the morning of Thursday, March 16th.

Testimony in favor for HB 909 Maryland Health Insurance Coverage Protection Act

Following is testimony given by Legislative Director Jeff Amoros. The statement was presented to the Health and Government Operations Committee on behalf of Dr. Wen on March 10, 2017.

Health Commissioner Dr. Wen Declares Code Blue Alert in Baltimore Overnight Tonight Through Saturday Morning

BALTIMORE, MD (March 10, 2017) – With temperatures predicted to fall into the teens with wind chill, Baltimore City Health Commissioner Dr.

Commissioner's Corner: We Cannot Repeal the ACA

On Monday night, members of the U.S. House of Representatives proposed a bill that aims to replace the Affordable Care Act. I am gravely concerned about the implications for Baltimore. As I mentioned in an opinion piece in The Baltimore Sun, the proposal threatens to dismantle Medicaid, which is the safety net that provides insurance for women, children, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. It would cut reproductive health services and gut programs that focus on disease prevention. It takes away protections to low-income individuals to help them get insurance, and will take us back to a time when people are forced to choose between paying for food and medications.

Testimony in favor for SB 669 Tobacco Products - Minimum Age and Civil Fines

Following is testimony given by Emilie Gilde, Director of Tobacco Use and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention. The statement was presented to the Finance Committee on behalf of Dr. Wen on March 9, 2017.
