Prevent Human Trafficking in the Hospitality Industry
We know that the hotel industry is one of many venues human traffickers use to exploit their victims. In order to help the hotel industry can prevent and combat human trafficking, Baltimore City is pleased to announce that we have finally received the approved Human Trafficking Training Video for Baltimore City Hotels:
This online course, brought to you by AHLEI in partnership with Polaris, a leading non-governmental organization working to address the issue of human trafficking, discusses the intersections between human trafficking and the hospitality industry.
Objectives of the course:
- Define human trafficking
- Identify individuals who are most at risk for human trafficking
- Understand sex trafficking and labor trafficking specific to the hotel sector
- Explain the role of hospitality employees in responding to this issue
- Provide information about the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC)
Hoteliers should call 1 800.349.0299 or +1 407.999.8100., where they will be offered two options:
- Receive an access code for the online training (valid for 1 year) for multiple user access
- Set up an Administrator Account (valid for 1 year) where administrators can set up individual accounts (via an email address) – where they enter the user's info and are able to run reports based on users that the administrator set up.
This program will be enforced through the hotel license certification to the Housing Department where they will need to self-certify that the training has been conducted.
Learn more about Human Trafficking in this video: