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Obama gave a huge signal that the old War on Drugs is over

On Tuesday, US President Barack Obama attended and spoke at the National Rx Drug Abuse &

The Accidental Deadly Drug Prescription

My patient was a college student brought into the emergency room after a minor car accident. Although CT scans showed no spinal fractures, he had severe neck pain and spasms.

Baltimore Health Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen Joins President Obama To Discuss Ending Nation’s Opioid Abuse Epidemic

ATLANTA, GA (March 29, 2016)– Baltimore City Health Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen joined President Barack Obama Tuesday for a panel discussion before thousands of thought leaders at the National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit to discuss the innovative efforts being implemented in Baltimore to address the opioid abuse epidemic. The panel, moderated by CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, also featured two individuals in long-term recovery: Justin Luke Riley and Crystal Oertle.

Obama anti-heroin strategy shifts focus to treatment from arrests

President Obama mounted his bully pulpit Tuesday in an attempt to change the focus on heroin and opioid addiction from a criminal problem to a health issue.

More than 1000 Lives Reported Saved with Help of EVZIO® (naloxone HCl injection) Auto-injectors

kaléo, a privately-held pharmaceutical company, today announced that EVZIO® (naloxone HCl injection) Auto-injectors have been reported to help save more than 1000 lives.

Remarks by the President in Panel Discussion at the National Prescription Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit

DR. GUPTA:  Mr. President, I'm going to start with you.  Obviously you have a lot going on, and this is a significant commitment.  You flew down here.  You're attending this conference.

Baltimore At Forefront Of $1B Plan To Fight Drug Abuse

It’s a threat the president says is on par with terrorism–America’s growing battle with painkiller addiction. Now the feds are seeking more than $1 billion to try to save lives.

President Obama Talks Drug Abuse With Doctors and Addicts

President Obama sat down with those on the front lines of the U.S.

Public Health Innovator Leana Wen on Challenging Addiction Stigma

After years of opposing common-sense policies or simply ignoring the issue, politicians in Washington and many state governments are finally supporting public health solutions to the challenges pos

FDA urged to add ‘black-box’ warning labels about deadly risk of mixing opioids with benzodiazepines

A few weeks ago we reported about new research showing that combining opioids with benzodiazepines carries a 
