Recent News

"Baltimore mayor trying to force some liquor store owners to change businesses after riots" (WMAR) June 15, 2015

Anybody driving through Baltimore knows there's five liquor stores on some blocks, but not a grocery store in sight. And we know during the riots, many of those liquor stores were damaged. While they still need to rebuild, city leaders hope to see a change of product. Dr. Wen says dozens of studies from Baltimore and around the country show a higher density of liquor stores is directly linked to a high rate of violent crime.

"Baltimore's Safe Streets neighborhoods see no shootings post riots" (WMAR) June 12, 2015

While crime surges in post-riot Baltimore, the Safe Streets program has been doing just that in the four areas it operated. They mediate, mentor, teach and break through to a generation that in many ways, only they are qualified to reach. The program aims to treat violence as a disease, and these men are the antibodies.

Baltimore City Health Commissioner Encourages Citizens To Take Precautions As Season’s First Hot Weather Arrives

With forecasted temperatures in the mid-90s, a heat index expected to reach 100 degrees and unhealthy air quality, Baltimore health officials are encouraging residents to take precautions as the first hot weather of the season arrives today. “Individuals should stay indoors in air-conditioning as much as possible and be sure to stay hydrated with water today,” said Dr. Leana Wen, Baltimore City Health Commissioner.

"Teen pregnancy rates fall in Baltimore" (FOX45) June 10, 2015

Teen pregnancy rates have fallen across the country and particularly in Baltimore City. Doctors partly credit access to contraception in city schools. "We recently had an unprecedented decrease in the teen birth rate of 32%," Baltimore City Health Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen said.

Honoring Cancer Survivors and Remembering Those Who Have Lost Their Battle

Chances are you have personally been impacted by cancer, whether you know one of the 13.4 million Americans living after a cancer diagnosis or have memories of someone special in your life who is no longer fighting the fight. Luckily today, more cancer survivors are living long after their diagnoses because of improvements in medical and health services and early detection.

Cancer Control Staff Baltimore City Health Department

"Fellows help Baltimore City Health Department with residents' needs" (WBAL-TV) June 10, 2015

Many Baltimore neighborhoods are trying to put their communities back together after the recent civil unrest and the city Health Department is doing its part too. The Health Department is sending post-graduate fellows into areas to find out from residents how they can help move forward.

"Health Department brings on Baltimore Corps fellows to help in unrest response" (Baltimore Sun) June 10, 2015

As Sarah Ceponis watched the unrest in Baltimore explode in April, her mind went to the underlying public health disparities inherent in neighborhoods such as Sandtown-Winchester. Ceponis, studying for a master's degree in public health at Johns Hopkins, was taking a course on health and well-being in the urban core. She saw the unrest as a "window of opportunity" in which people were actually paying attention to public health issues — such as neighborhood access to pharmacies — that are often ignored.

"Heroin Epidemic" (WYPR) June 9, 2015

Health Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen was a guest on WYPR's "Midday with Dan Rodricks" show discussing how Baltimore's heroin and overdose epidemic can be addressed.

"Local banks could improve in serving seniors, report says" (Baltimore Sun) June 9, 2015

Baltimore-area banks could do more to help prevent financial fraud targeting older adults, according to a report to be released Tuesday by the Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition.  Arnold Eppel, deputy commissioner of the Baltimore City Health Department's Division of Aging and Care Services, said the role of tellers can be critical in helping older people avoid becoming victims of fraud.

"Heroin Doesn’t Have to Be a Killer " (New York Times) June 7, 2015

It's a subject we find hard to talk about, even though it kills more people in America than guns or cars and claims more lives than murder or suicide.  I’m talking about drug overdoses, taking close to 44,000 lives a year.  Baltimore is aggressively trying to reduce heroin deaths through an outreach program.
