Recent News

"Baltimore to use federal grant for ER heroin response" (Baltimore Business Journal) July 29, 2015

Baltimore City Health Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen wants the city’s emergency departments to play a bigger role in addressing residents’ heroin and substance abuse problems. Along with local emergency department leaders, the city’s health department is developing a program that would better connect patients with counselors, specialists and treatment for substance abuse. The project will be backed by Baltimore’s share of a $815,000 federal grant awarded to the state health department for medication-supported substance abuse programs.

BCHD Encourages Everyone to Get Vaccinated, Screened on World Hepatitis Day

BALTIMORE, MD (July 28, 2015) – As today marks “World Hepatitis Day,” Baltimore City Health Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen encourages residents to get vaccinated for hepatitis B (HBV) and screened for hepatitis C (HCV).

"City, coalition win $8.5 million grant to improve sex education in schools" (Baltimore Sun)

The Baltimore City Health Department and the U Choose Coalition were awarded a $8.5 million federal grant the groups will use to improve sex education in schools with the hopes of reducing the teen birth rate in African American and Hispanic girls by 30 percent.

"Baltimore Announces $8.5 Million Dollar HHS Grant to Implement Reproductive Health Education Program in Middle and High Schools"

The Baltimore City Health Department and the U Choose Coalition have been awarded a $8.5 million grant with a goal of decreasing the city’s teen birth rate for African American and Hispanic girls by 30 percent.  The grant, from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is for $1.7 million dollars per year for five years.

"Baltimore's war On Heroin" (Al Jazeera - America Tonight) July 14, 2015

In a city often considered the country's heroin capital, Baltimore officials are floating plans to open 24-hour emergency addiction clinics and increase addiction services for prisoners and people in recovery. But the city is running into major financial obstacles that include the skyrocketing price of naloxone - sold as Narcan - a drug that can save the life of a person overdosing from heroin. In this excerpt from America Tonight, Adam May speaks with a recovering addict trying to get naloxone into more hands and city Health Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen, who wants everyone in the city to know how to use it.

The Year 2015 Means Anniversaries for Medicare, Medicaid, Older Americans Act & Social Security

On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law transformative legislation that would change the future for millions of Americans, establishing the Medicare and Medicaid programs.  While Medicare and Medicaid started as basic insurance programs for Americans who didn’t have health insurance, the programs have changed over the years to provide more and more Americans with access to the quality and affordable healthcare they need. 

Medicare Medicaid Celebration Flyer

"New strategies to combat the surge in heroin deaths" (Maryland Public Television), July 17, 2015

Health Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen spoke with MPT's State Circle about new strategies to combat the surge in heroin deaths.

"Baltimore reports sleep-related infant deaths continue to tick down" (Baltimore Sun) July 22, 2015

The Baltimore City Health Department reported Wednesday that the number of sleep-related infant deaths continues to tick down since it launched a campaign in 2010 to educate mothers about the proper ways to put babies to bed. “Education is the key to changing behavior to prevent these tragic deaths,” said Dr. Leana Wen, city health commissioner. “That means everyone needs to know the ABCs of Safe Sleep -- that babies should be put to sleep alone, on their backs and in cribs, without exposure to secondhand smoke. No exceptions.”

"Baltimore reports record low 13 sleep-related infant deaths" (WMAR-TV) July 22, 2015

Health officials say there were 13 sleep-related infant deaths in Baltimore last year, a record low for the city. Baltimore City Health Department officials announced Wednesday that the number of deaths is down from a high of 27 deaths reported in 2009. 

"Baltimore Reports Record Low Sleep-Related Infant Deaths in 2014"

Baltimore saw a record low number (13) of sleep-related infant deaths in 2014, down from a record high of 27 deaths reported in 2009, according to new data from the Baltimore City Health Department.  In Baltimore, the second leading cause of infant mortality is sleep-related infant deaths, behind only complications related to preterm birth and low birth weight.   
