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U.S. judge blocks cuts to teen pregnancy prevention grants (Reuters)

A federal judge has blocked President Donald Trump’s administration from terminating grants issued through a teen pregnancy prevention program, marking the third time in a week that a court has held that the administration’s 2017 decision was unlawful.

Read the entire story.

Baltimore wins suit against feds over teen pregnancy prevention funding (Baltimore Business Journal)

Federal funding for Baltimore's Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program could be safe, following a court win on Wednesday.

Read the entire story.

Leana Wen

6 Months Since Trump Declared an Opioid Emergency, What's Changed? (Governing)

On Oct. 26 last year, President Donald Trump declared the opioid epidemic -- which took more than 64,000 lives in 2016 -- a national emergency.

'“We’ve seen no effect here in Baltimore from the emergency [declaration]," says Leana Wen, the city's health commissioner. "We could save so many more lives if we had more resources. We don’t need any more rhetoric."

Read the entire story.

Leana Wenopioids

Committees Tackle Politically Powerful Issue of Opioids Legislation (Roll Call)

The House heads into a marathon opioid markup Wednesday, a day after the Senate health committee approved bipartisan legislation of its own addressing the crisis. Both chambers are eager to advance bills to combat the crisis under an aggressive timeline, with an eye toward demonstrating action before the midterms on an issue that affects voters representing most demographics and districts.

Read the entire story.

Leana Wenopioids

New Trump teen pregnancy approach stresses abstinence (NBC)

The Trump administration has published its new plan for fighting teen pregnancy and its message to teens is clear: don’t have sex. 

"Why should our communities be asking for another grant when we don’t even know the reason why our grant was terminated?” asked Dr. Leana Wen, the Baltimore City Health Commissioner who is part of the lawsuit against HHS.

Read the entire story.

Leana Wen

The Senate is advancing a bill to fight the opioid crisis. It’s still not enough. (Vox)

The Senate is advancing a legislative package to confront an opioid epidemic that’s killed hundreds of thousands over the past two decades. But as much as the Senate has hyped up the proposal, experts and advocates on the ground are worried that the bill simply doesn’t match the full scale of the crisis. 

“Many of these policies seem to be tinkering around the edges,” Dr. Leana Wen, the health commissioner of Baltimore, previously told me. “It’s not that they’re not helpful in some way,” she added. But what officials on the ground feel they need is “sustained, specific funding” and bolder, more sweeping guidance that will help build up long-term solutions.

Read the entire story.

Leana Wenopioids

Baltimore City Health Commissioner Talks About Bill That Requires Restaurants To Have Non-Sugar Added Drink Options for Kids (WJZ)

Watch a video of Dr. Wen talking about a bill Mayor Pugh recently signed making the default options for kids' meals water, milk, or 100% juice.

Leana Wen

Philly is ‘floating on opioids’: Civic leaders address drug crisis, share solutions (WHYY)

Shortly after Michael McMahon won Staten Island’s district attorney’s race in 2015, a young man collapsed on the street where he lived in the middle of the night. McMahon recounted this story and the approach he took as part of a panel organized by Pew Charitable Trusts in Philadelphia Friday morning. The goal was to share lessons across cities, as Philadelphia wrestles with one of the nation’s highest overdose death rates amid a drug crisis that does not appear to be letting up.

Read the entire story.


Note From The Commissioner: Reducing Falls, Protecting Our Seniors

It’s been a busy week at the Baltimore City Health Department! We announced the opening of a new school-based health center; joined the Mayor to sign two public health bills into law; participated in Light City and the March for Science; worked with Congressman Cummings and Senator Warren to support new legislation to establish a “Ryan White” for the opioid epidemic; hosted Law Day to support seniors and Precious Purple Sunday to support maternal and child health; issued a citywide warning for synthetic marijuana; and sued the Trump Administration. Please read on for these and other updates—and hear more on WYPR’s HealthWatch episode.

In this letter, I want to focus on the official launch of the citywide Falls Reduction Public Campaign and Strategy. Falls among older adults are a growing public health concern. Over three million older Americans visit the ER each year for falls; in Baltimore City, that’s nearly 5,000 seniors who fall. Each fall leads to an average hospitalization cost of $39,000. If we extrapolate, that means the cost of falls to Baltimore City – for medical costs alone – is $60 million.

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Bmore Healthy Newsletter: April 20, 2018

Click here to read the 4/20/18 newsletter.

In this issue:

  • Note from the Commissioner
  • Dr. Wen joined Mayor Pugh for the Signing of Two Key Pieces of Public Health Law
  • Dr. Wen Joins Health Department’s Bureau of School Health at Opening of New School-Based Health Center at Mervo 
  • Dr. Wen Joins the 2018 March for Science
  • and more

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