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Commentary: The color of heroin addiction — why war then, treatment now?

The nation's heroin epidemic found its way from the shadows of America to Capitol Hill on Tuesday as lawmakers and experts struggled with a raging disease that is leaving an increasing number of bo

Addiction’s changing color may also change attitudes

The nation’s heroin epidemic found its way from the shadows of America to Capitol Hill on Tuesday as lawmakers and experts struggled with a raging disease that is leaving an increasing number of bo

The color of heroin addiction — why war then, treatment now?

The nation’s heroin epidemic found its way from the shadows of America to Capitol Hill on Tuesday as lawmakers and experts struggled with a raging disease that is leav

Safe Streets opens new location in Sandtown-Winchester

Ten safety counselors joined representatives from the mayor’s office on March 17, 2016 to open a new Safe Streets facility in the Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood.

House Oversight Committee: America’s Heroin and Opioid Abuse Epidemic

On the same day that the FDA issued black box warning to all immediate r

Bmore Health Newsletter: March 24th

Note from Commissioner

Maryland commission awards $3.4 million in grants to help combat health disparities

The Maryland Community Health Resources Commission has awarded $3.4 million in grants to 15 organizations to fund projects that will expand health access in underserved areas, reduce health dispari

Prescription Painkillers Are Finally Getting the FDA Warning Labels They Deserve

People who take opioid painkillers can expect to find severe new warnings on their pill bottles.

Maryland commission awards $3.4 million in grants to help combat health disparities

The Maryland Community Health Resources Commission has awarded $3.4 million in grants to 15 organizations to fund projects that will expand health access in underserved areas, reduce health d

BCHD and City Schools Kick Butts!

Kick Butts Day is a national day of activism that was created to combat nicotine addiction where tobacco reliance often begins – America’s youth. 90% of adults start smoking by the age of 18. On March 16th each year, schools and communities hold events to raise awareness about the hazards of tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure among children across the country. In recognition of this year’s Kick Butts Day, Baltimore’s own Mount Royal Elementary Middle School held a rally to raise awareness about tobacco use in their community and picked up cigarette butts and tobacco product litter around their school and community. 

2016 Kick Butts Day Clean Up
