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Violence Affecting Youth

Too often youth are seen as ‘the problem’ when many youth have already endured more hardships than some adults face in their lifetime.  As a city, our task is to help ensure youth’s wellbeing and their growth into successful adults. Many youth are victims of violence directly or indirectly. Nationally, youth under 25 years of age have the highest rates of homicide and violent crime victimization. For example, poor birth outcomes related to smoking, drugs, lead poisoning, witnessing domestic violence, and child abuse can affect a child’s development. In turn, they increase the likelihood of a child becoming a delinquent or adult offender.

"Maryland's News This Week" (WBAL Radio) March 15, 2015

The state budget, the U.S. Senate race, the heroin crisis and the physician assisted suicide bill were all discussed on this week's Maryland's News This Week with Robert Lang. The guests included Baltimore City Health Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen.

"Baltimore Joins National Conversation On Youth Violence Prevention" (WYPR) March 18, 2015

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced Wednesday the city will develop a strategy to combat youth violence with help from President Obama’s National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention, also known as The Forum. Health Commissioner Leana Wen said youth violence should be treated as a public health issue as well as a criminal justice issue.

"Health Commissioner Seeking Community Engagement as City Prepares to Expand B’more for Healthy Babies to Kids and Teenagers" (Afro American) March 19, 2015

Community input will be key as the city looks to expand its successful B’more for Healthy Babies initiative to kids and teenagers. This is being done to reduce racially disparate outcomes in health, says new Baltimore City Health Department Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen. 

Baltimore Youth Helping to Lead the City’s Anti-Smoking Efforts

Recently, a group of fourth grade students at Kipp-Harmony Elementary School created a photonovella about smoking and its effects on families.  Through a series of photos, the students portray a father who smokes to relieve his stress levels, negatively impacting the rest of the family, including a newborn baby.  With his family’s support the father is able to finally quit.  The photonovella paints a simplified picture of a very real issue: smoking and tobacco have a huge effect on youth.

"Youth ambassadors teach peers about dating violence" (Baltimore Times) March 13, 2015

On a brisk night in February there is a lot of noise coming from a fourth floor conference room at the Johns Hopkins Center for Adolescent Health in East Baltimore. The raucous sound rises and falls blending in with a recording of the Jeopardy theme song as eight Baltimore City teenagers play "Teen Years Jeopardy," a game designed by instructors to test their knowledge of healthy relationships. The teens are training to become Youth Brand Ambassadors for the Dating Matters Program.

"Bill Would Ban Sugary Drinks From Kids’ Menus" (WJZ-TV) March 11, 2015

Fighting childhood obesity by preventing children from drinking soda. That’s the city health commissioner’s plan. The bill being introduced Thursday would ban sugary drinks from kids’ menus in Baltimore. Dr. Wen hopes the bill will help parents make healthier choices and help children shed pounds.

"Bill Would Make Restaurants Post Inspection Score” (WMAR - ABC2) March 11, 2015

Vicktoria Powers runs a clean shop. She's the owner of Vikkis Fells Point Deli.  "Over on our grill, you'll see the one guy and myself. We do all the cooking. If a customer needs to be rung up, we yell MOC, money on the counter, they come up, they take the money. Same as the guy in the back, he does strictly prep, one does strictly dishes and sanitizes everything," she said. That's exactly the thinking behind a bill on it's way to a third reader at city hall. The plan is for any establishment that serves food to have their health department rating posted onsite and online.

"Changemakers Wanted" (WBAL-TV)

The Baltimore Health Department is seeking nominations for Baltimorphosis changemakers—community members working to end youth violence…

"Naloxone Legislation" (WBAL-TV) March 11, 2015

To combat the state's heroin epidemic, a number of local governments are training their police officers on how to administer Naloxone, but unlike first responders, state law doesn't give police civil immunity for helping those who need it. The demand for Naloxone is so great that the price has skyrocketed. In Baltimore City, intranasal doses have more than doubled. In May 2014, a 10-pack cost $193. Today, the same amount goes for $414. "This is a huge public health crisis," Baltimore City Health Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen said.
