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The ACA replacement would devastate America’s health (STAT News)

As a physician who has treated patients in the emergency department before and after the Affordable Care Act was instituted, I have seen firsthand how it has transformed the lives of many of my patients. And as the health commissioner for Baltimore city, I have seen how it has safeguarded the lives of more than 40,000 residents in my city, and millions more around the country, who would otherwise be uninsured.

Created in 2010, this is the first federal funding source dedicated to public health. It directly empowers communities to prevent chronic conditions and helps local jurisdictions be more agile in responding to health crises while reducing long-term health costs.

More specifically, these funds are used to prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic conditions that are major causes of death in the United States. The fund also provides support for cities to prevent disease outbreaks, ensuring that our nation is prepared to face developing threats such as bioterrorism and Ebola and other infectious diseases.

Through the ACA, the Prevention and Public Health Fund accounts for nearly one-seventh of the budget for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — approximately $1 billion a year.

Read the entire op-ed by Dr. Wen. 

'Public Health Saved Your Life Today. You Just Didn’t Know It.' (Governing)

For the second episode of "The 23%: Conversations With Women in Government," I chatted with Leana Wen, the health commissioner of Baltimore. Growing up as a Chinese immigrant in a rough area of Los Angeles, Wen quickly saw the ways in which public health impacts everyday life. These days, her mantra is: “Public health saved your life today. You just didn’t know it.” Her dizzying resume includes graduating from college at 18, a master’s from the University of Oxford and a clinical fellowship at Harvard Medical School. When Baltimore came calling in 2014, Dr. Wen was practicing and teaching medicine in D.C. RELATED NEW PODCAST Only a few months into her first venture in public service, Baltimore was uprooted with riots after the police-involved death of Freddie Gray. In this episode, Dr. Wen talks about how her office worked quickly to deploy various public health initiatives to get the city back on its feet. She also discusses her aggressive tactics against the opioid epidemic, which caught the attention of President Obama.

Listen to the entire podcast.

Q&A with APhA2017 Keynote Speaker Leana Wen, MD (APhA)

Leana Wen, MD, MSc, believes pharmacists and all health care providers can impact individual patient care. During the Second General Session at the 2017 APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition in San Francisco, Wen, who is currently Baltimore City Health Commissioner, will talk about the importance of the patient’s story. She’ll share lessons about approaching patients in a more holistic way to provide the best care possible.

In addition to her current role in Baltimore, Wen is also a Rhodes Scholar, TED speaker, and author of the book When Doctors Don’t Listen: How to Avoid Misdiagnoses and Unnecessary Tests. Wen spoke with in the lead-up to her keynote, which will take place on Sunday, March 26, about her experience working with pharmacists and what she hopes the audience will take away from her address.

Read the entire interview. 

Baltimore City Health Department Hosts Healthy Baltimore 2020 Community Conversation on Chronic Disease Prevention

BALTIMORE, MD (March 29, 2017)—The Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD) today hosted the latest Healthy Baltimore 2020 Community Conversation, a town hall meeting offering residents the opportunity to provide public comment on Healthy Baltimore 2020—BCHD’s recently released strategic blueprint for health and wellness through the lens of health equity.

Baltimore City Health Department Finds Health Improving Across City

BALTIMORE, MD (March 29, 2017) – Today, the Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD) issued the latest editions of its Neighborhood Health Profiles and 2017 BCHD White Paper, outlining the state of health in Baltimore, previous accomplishments, and strategic priorities.

Commissioner's Corner: Repealing the ACA Will Be Devastating for the Health of Americans

Over the past few weeks, we have learned how recent federal policy proposals, including the potential Affordable Care Act (ACA) replacement plan and the President’s federal budget proposal, will have a drastic impact on crucial public health services in Baltimore and across the United States. In public health, we have a clear responsibility to speak up for those who may not be able to advocate on behalf of themselves, especially our society’s most vulnerable. In recent days, I have made it a priority discuss the impact of the Affordable Care Act repeal on the residents of Baltimoreand millions of other Americans who will lose coverage as a result of the proposed legislation.

Baltimore City Recognizes National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

National Native American HIV AIDS Day Baltimore City Health Department

On Saturday, March 18, 2017, the Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD) and Baltimore City HIV Planning Group and Commission partnered with Native American LifeLines in celebrating National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day by hosting the 3rd Annual Round Dance and Community Health Fair.

This was the 10 year anniversary of this nationwide observance.

Commissioner's Corner: Emergency Response-- There's No 'Snow Day' in Public Health

Earlier this week, Winter Storm Stella charged through Baltimore, leaving behind enough snow and ice to halt many operations across the city. However, we know that there’s no such thing as a “snow day” in public health.  

The US opioid crisis is real and deadly. Trumpcare could make it even worse. (Mic)

Connie Petroski can't remember the exact moment her daughter, Jessica, went from being a sunny 17-year-old who loved dressing up for school dances and hanging out with her friends to a sullen, quiet 18-year-old alternating between falling asleep upside down on the toilet and getting into hysterical shouting matches with her mother.

"She just got with the wrong person and started with cocaine, and it just goes from there," Connie said in a phone interview. "It's just one drug after another and nothing ever gets strong enough, so that's when they turn to heroin."

Jessica is just one of the estimated 2.1 million Americans currently struggling with opioid addiction, and the epidemic is only getting worse. In 2015, the most recent year on record, opioids killed more than 33,000 people — a record. From 2014 to 2015, deaths from synthetic opioids like fentanyl, the painkiller that was found to be responsible for the 2016 death of the singer Prince, rose by 75%. 

Read the entire story.

I'm Pregnant. What Would Happen If I Couldn't Afford Health Care? (NPR)

On Christmas Day, I found out that I was pregnant. It was the best present I could have hoped for. My husband and I have wanted to start a family for years, and we could not wait to share the news with our loved ones.

 But my initial exhilaration quickly turned to anxiety. As a physician, I knew many of the things that could go wrong. I wanted to do everything I could do to have a healthy baby.

 I found an obstetrician and made an appointment for my first prenatal visit. I was so relieved when I saw the baby's heartbeat on the ultrasound. My blood was drawn to check for anemia and thyroid problems. I had the rest of my recommended first trimester tests, including a Pap smear and testing for HIV and sexually-transmitted infections.

 Read the entire story.
