Cross Agency Health Taskforce (CAHT)

The Cross Agency Health Taskforce (CAHT) is a group comprised of representatives from all city agencies that are working together to promote cross sector efforts supporting Healthy Baltimore 2015’s ten priority areas. Healthy Baltimore 2015 is based on the assumption that where we live, work, learn and play has a tremendous impact on health. Therefore, each agency should promote health through policies, programs, standard operating procedures, and practices that reflect the agency mission and builds from existing organizational infrastructure.

There is often a significant impact of non-health policies and health, and factors outside the health care system play a larger role in determining health status than factors within health care. Therefore, we need every agency’s involvement if we want to achieve the goals of Healthy Baltimore 2015. Health should be considered in all agencies. Our aim is to see CAHT members fully take on their role as champions to promote “health in all policies” as we work to make Baltimore a city where every resident realizes their full health potential.

Contact information:

Shannon Mace Heller
Director, Office of Policy and Planning
Baltimore City Health Department
1001 E. Fayette St., Baltimore, MD 21202
(443) 401-8126