Supporting Our Students (SOS) Project

The Supporting OUR Students School-Based Violence Prevention Project Teen Dating Violence and Youth Violence Prevention initiative address shared risk and protective factors. It is an expansion and partial integration of two-evidence based Programs-Safe Dates/Dating Matters and Cure Violence (Safe Streets). 

Safe Dates is a 10-session program that seeks to promote healthy relationships as a method to prevent dating violence.

Safe Streets is a program that seeks to promote non-violent conflict resolution, with conflict mediators working to diffuse violent situations.

The SOS project is an intervention that addresses the individual knowledge, attitudes, and skills of 9th graders in schools located in or adjacent to Safe Streets Outposts. The environment is the first factor that this program addresses and is both physical (safe spaces and connections to services) and social (caring adults, pro-social connections, and harmful norms). The second factor is the cognitive factors or those factors that address intrapersonal program components that increase knowledge, build skills (providing practice and feedback), and changing attitudes about non-violent conflict resolution.  The last factor is the behavior change which in this case are reductions in youth violence and teen dating violence victimizations and perpetrations and fewer suspensions and expulsions.

Guiding system-level efforts is a multi-sector Advisory Committee, comprised of various school, community, youth, and parent partner-collaborators, who are focused on teen dating violence and youth violence issues within the schools and surrounding community. The multi-sector Advisory Committee helps plan for the sustainability of project strategies and partnerships.

Program Components:

  • Multi-sector advisory committee 
  • Safe Dates
  • Safe Streets Conflict Resolution and Violence Interruption (Conflict Mediation)
  • School-wide awareness events
  • After School Clubs

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